Tuesday, November 1, 2016

4th Grade Greek Mythology

 Fourth grade linked their first project of the year to their Greek Mythology unit in their classrooms. They wrote their own story in their classrooms and illustrated one of their characters from their story in art. Enjoy some of our hybrid creatures below!
Aurora 4th Grade Benson

Ava 4th Grade Benson

Ian K. 4th Grade Benson

Josie 4th Grade Benson

Brody 4th Grade Benson

Hunter 4th Grade Benson

Jonah 4th Grade Benson

Chasity 4th Grade Benson


Peyton 4th Grade Benson

Katana 4th Grade Serwe

Nora 4th Grade Serwe

Sam G. 4th Grade Serwe

Lukas 4th Grade Serwe

Marissa 4th Grade Serwe

J.J 4th Grade Serwe

Faith 4th Grade Serwe

Jessica 4th Grade Serwe